About Trevor
Trevor Whitman has spent his adult life teaching, instructing, leading, and writing with a deep passion for theology, doctrine, and church health. He graduated from Multnomah University in 2013 with degrees in Biblical Studies, Youth Ministry and a minor in Psychology. After his undergrad, he has been engaged with local churches in many different capacities. From helping church plants get their start to being full time on staff with churches as a pastor. Right out of college, Trevor taught Middle School Bible at a local private school for three years. Within the roles at the church and in the school, Trevor preached with regularity, taught small groups of different age groups, and led through multiple scandals from the head pastors he worked under. He self-published a book on servant leadership in 2014 named, “Leading from the Anvil: Shaping the Future of Servant Leaders” and used that content to lead and speak in many capacities. His latest work came in the form of a podcast named, “Forged in the Word” where he talks about a variety of topics and ends season one discussing his story in the Church and where that has led him. His time in ministry within multiple capacities gave Trevor a unique position to observe the current condition of churches within multiples contexts. This gave him the vantage point that led him to write “Brick by Brick: Reconstructing the Deconstructed” to help himself process aspects of the modern day church that deeply troubled him. His process of deconstruction and reconstruction himself has given him a unique viewpoint on how the church is being run and is passionate about helping others to process their own experiences within the Body of Christ.